Two of my favorite things: beer and music. One thing that I always think about when I vision my brewery is how tight it is going to be to rock out and make beer. I have been thinking about this for some time and on my drive home today (actually Friday, using the post scheduling feature, how 'bout them apples) while rocking out to Reckless Kelly's Bulletproof (tight album) I decided I had to write a post about it. Lets just hope that I can remember all of the literary gold I came up with while driving.
So here is the deal, music and beer are generally at the core of all of my inspiration (rocking out and booze, how could it do anything else but inspire) and I want to utilize that in the brewery and share it with
PBC's customers. Most brewery websites have information about each of their beer offering that may include a description, ingredients and who knows what else. I want to include a music
playlist for each beer. I am not going to make these
playlists claiming that they are the inspiration for the beers though. The
playlists are going to be a combo of what I listen to while brewing the beer and what I like to listen to while drinking the beer. Or have no real relation at all and just be a stellar
playlist. It is going to be tight to be in charge in the brewery (even if I am the only employee) because I can rock whatever tunes that I want. If anyone has a problem with my music selection my response will be "shut up, I do what I want!" because I am the man in charge.**
As time permits, (something that I have quite a bit of right now) I am going to try to post some
playlists I start to come up with while brewing. Once I figure out all the gadgets that has, I will try to put some music on the blog or maybe even the entire
playlists. But mark this day down, if you see this stuff on another brewery's website they officially stole it from me. Although someone might already be doing it and if that is the case I plead ignorance and still came up with it on my own.
Although my music personal selection favors country to a great extent, I embrace most music. Each list will be unique and hopefully different in the overall theme. In honor of my first unborn
fermenter, the first
playlist I post will be a compilation of Wu Tang Clan, both the group and solo projects from the members. For those wondering, the unborn
fermenter is O.D.B. because one day it will be my O.D.B. of
fermenters and the name will be just that much more fitting. I can't wait to write a blog saying, "the first batch of
Mountain Man
Barleywine is fermenting in Old Dirty Bastard."
playlists could be somethings that comes into play later when I try to put on some concerts and stuff. Once I get a real website up, all the songs will be linked to the artists site or somewhere to buy their stuff. Also, it could be cool to allow fans to post their own
playlists of what they like to listen to while drinking a
PBC beer. Sort of create a music community intertwined with the beer community because many of them are the same people. I will have to solicit ideas from Sheila, our budding music production person or whatever it is you are trying to do. You realize that I officially own your career Sheila, food and music with my beer, game over.
I really need a voice recorder or at least carry around my
flipcam all the time so I can record my inner Bill Simmons when I come up with the stuff. Compared to my vision in the car, this post is good, but falls well short of the gem I had brewing in the car.
**Some might say that doing what you want because it is your business is a bad idea, well those people have never met me...whatever I touch turns to gold and most of all...I rule! (Amy, you probably don't read this, but you are still #2)