Wednesday, October 21, 2009


I call it work, most people call it a hobby, but I am making some more beer today. I need to get back to piloting beer regardless of the progress of the financing of the brewery. On that note, I have started to dreaded task of raising money. At this point I am not placing a time line on financing because any idea of timing that I have had so far has been blown out the door.

I had a meeting this morning with Shane Williams who is a former VP of Beer and Wine at Albertson's and worked for distributors throughout his career. It was one of the better meetings that I have had with people giving me advice as he has more knowledge of the industry than anyone I have talked to. I am not going to bore with all of the details, but I am very glad to have a contact like that who I can refer back to. During our talk at the coffee shop, the lady next to us couldn't help but introduce herself after hearing what we were talking about. She is a chef who has a the TV show "Dining Out Idaho." I got her card and she was very willing to get me some good contacts in the area, could be a great help in the future. I generally dislike coffee shops because you end up hearing more than you want to from people next to you, but it worked out great here, so maybe I will stop hating.

As for today's beer, still looking for an introductory PBC beer. I was trying to go towards a English Mild Ale, but I don't think it will fit into that category, probably an American Amber. I toned down the grain bill from my Amber into a session beer, shooting for 4-4.4%, but trying to keep a solid malt backbone (not watery and uninteresting). As for the hops, as much as I try to get away from the classic northwest hops, I never really do. The IBU's are around 30, so it isn't hoppy, but with Zeus and Centennial hops it should still have a northwest feel. I did go with an English Yeast strain, one because that is what I have fermenting and two, I just like the English Yeasts.

Amber/Session Ale:
Malt: American 2-Row, Biscuit, Cara-munich, Crystal, Munich, Roasted Barley
Hops: Centennial, Zeus (Fresh Hops from Idaho)
ABV: 4-4.4%

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