My drive from Seattle to Boise to a slight detour to look at the hop farms in Wilder, Idaho. I really do mean just to look at, I pulled my car off to the side of the road and took a few pics and a video, that's it. I did this mostly to have my own pics that I can use of hop farms in Idaho and fill up some much needed blog space.
My ten minutes of research on the all knowing inter-web have given me an arsenal of information to share about Idaho hops. Idaho hop production accounts for 8% of the US harvest and 2% of the world harvest, nothing huge but still a substantial amount. Word on the street (local homebrew store owner) is that S. Idaho use to account for 25% of the world production and the one of the farms started growing hops over 120 years ago. Obviously things have changed, but the production has increased over the last few years due to the shortages in the hop market. Rumors has it (same guy, new cliche phrase) says these farms sell their hops to Steiner, so I am going to have to go through that company for some hops to be able to make an "all Idaho" beer and jump on the "Buy Idaho" train.
This post is only a little bit about the hop farms in Idaho and a lot bit about proving that I still have "it". By "it", I mean the ability to put up a mildly entertaining post while showcasing my uncanny ability to use modern technology. Yes, that is an unnecessary hop field drive-by video embedded below...
I hope this you enjoyed this post, I burned my chicken breast because I was so focused on writing something awesome.
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