Thursday, September 2, 2010

Another Month Gone Part II

The final thing that got finished last week was the pouring of the containment curb around the brewing area.  The curb is put in one to make it easier to wash down and clean the brewing area.  I don't have to worry about water going into the tasting room, bathrooms or anywhere else when I'm cleaning the brewing area.  In the unlikely and tragic event that a fermenter valve breaks or gets opened on accident and spills beer everywhere, the curb will prevent that from going everywhere and catch all my tears as I watch beer get wasted.  Is it necessary, not really (but will be nice), does it help satisfy some city requirements, yes.
Forms for the curb
Pouring the curb
Finished containment curb

The week is still young (as I write this) and the construction continues full steam ahead.  All of the high bay lights (you can see some in the picture above) have been replaced with more energy efficient lights that also look better, don't make any noise and provide better lighting.  I was not planning on replacing the lights, but the incentives that have been put in place make it crazy not to.  Not only will the new lights reduce my power consumption, but much of the cost is subsidized.  I wont sugar coat it, yes, going green was purely a business decision. Sorry if that rubs people the wrong way.

I think there is a light at the end of the tunnel...if not, at least football starts today.

Gotta Hop

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