Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Open Source Beer

I will start this post by saying that I am pretty sure I heard this idea somewhere else, but have not idea where so I can't credit them. On the other hand, maybe it is just such a brilliant idea that I am afraid to credit myself when in fact I am really just that genius...probably the beer talking there.

Here's the deal, the abundance of information and mass collaboration has given way to sites like Wikipedia and operating systems like Linux, so why not apply that to a beer. Here is what I want to do, put together a beer recipe that starts out rather simple, but produces a decent beer. Make a batch 15 barrel batch of the beer and call it "Boise's Ale 1.0" or something that gives some ownership to consumers and shows where it is in development. I then make the recipe and all the details available to local homebrewers and ask them to make a batch, but try to improve on it in some way. Then they would need to bring in samples, similar to a competition, and we would go through all the samples and decide on which change(s) should be incorporated in the next batch. Brew 15 barrels of "Boise's Ale 2.0" and go through the process again and again...Maybe call is just "1.0" then "1.1" or "2.0" etc.

The way I vision this unfolding would be that the beer gets a few iterations in and is grows into a damn good beer. The recipe would still be available and I would still take samples of beers that the local talent brew, but it should get to the point where it will take an excellent improvement to change the beer.

Based on what I know of homebrewers, the beer may start as an Amber at 5% and a few batches later be a Barley Wine aged in bourbon barrels clocking in at 10%.

Ideas keep coming...just need to get the financing to start rolling in so I can put the ideas to good use.

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