Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Update for the Week

Probably the only post for the week, but wanted to pass along some updates.  As I look back at the process I have been going through to get the brewery open, I remember sitting on the other side looking in following other blog's about opening breweries.  On multiple occasions I thought to myself "man, it doesn't seem like they are really doing much" or "you would think they would be open by now."  I am working my ass off to get this going, but at times even to me it looks like nothing is happening.

The much talked about building permit is very close, in fact I could have had it by now, the problem is that I question everything.  I didn't agree with an assessment they gave me, talked through it with them and they are going to take a look at it.  In the end, I lose some days, but might save some money; worth it as long as the assessment doesn't go up for some reason...please no.  I expect to have some awesome jackhammering pictures up early next week.  Most of the work is should take about two weeks (four +) and there are six weeks until my equipment arrives, so I am feeling okay about it right now.

I attended the Boise BeerFest on Friday, I enjoyed it except the part about the car getting towed.  That is an entirely different rant though.  The complaints about the crowds that I heard prior to attending were a non-issue on Friday.  Probably just the right amount of people there from an attendees perspective, never had to wait in line, had plenty of space to walk around and talk with people.  It was great to hear a lot of people who probably don't drink craft beer get excited for different beers and get exposed to a bunch of different breweries, great for the industry.  Call me a snob or whatever, but personally it wasn't the type of festival that I like attending, more the type of festival that I would like to serve my beer at and talk to people about beer.  The festival was great for what it was, which sounds like a total slight, but I assure you that is a compliment.  I already like the sound of my own typing too much and now is not the time for me to write a dissertation on beer festivals.  Reading back over what I wrote, I sound very critical, but I did think it was a great event and should shut up and be happy we have a great festival here.  Thanks to Rick at Brewforia and everyone else that helped for putting the work into the event, can't wait to pour beer next year.

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